Jumat, 16 Februari 2018

Lucyd - the first compact & comfortable AR smartglasses in the world

Image result for lucyd

Hello friends, I will introduce the world of Lucyd ciptocurrency plafform as a new platform dedicated to producing first class ergonomic and functional glasses in the world. In this article I will explain how great is Lucyd? this is review

LUCYD (pronounced as clear, a word from Merriam Webster's luminescent, glowing, clear dictionary to understand or understand) - seeks to enter the international market by producing and supplying REALITY sophisticated sunglasses equipped with additional functions and services so much more . rather than just fashion items or help to be seen. LUCYD seeks to use the rapidly growing blockchain technology through the currently developed softwares to integrate and utilize the information in the ledger and further refine and relate to better judgment judgments for users. This technology can also be tapped but not limited to the automotive industry in making sensors and windshields are more sensitive so that it can connect the speed and angle of the approaching vehicle,

LUCYD will have thirteen (13) patents to prevent theft of knowledge and innovation, while also granting the right to access and utilize certain privileged data for operations and services to be sent to the global world.

To achieve and even surpass this milestone, LUCYD needs to raise funds to collect, integrate and collect relevant data into a databank or cloud, acquire and install equipment that has the capacity to handle this avalanche, classify and sort through relevant relationships and related. information, hire and / recruit application developers, design and develop from scratch using the best and optimal frames and produce them from environmentally friendly materials in terms of economic strength and ecosystem interactions. These attributes or qualities will be unanimously subject to different tests to ensure they meet the standards and objectives of the LUCYD team.

I'll just say it, Lucyd is a side-plus reality project. For your better understanding, I will explain the whole process. When you wear glasses, you connect to your gadgets and apps to Lucyd. You stretch the technological mask and block out the ordinary world. This will allow you to instantly receive the necessary information, without interruption of work to communicate in the network, and learn something new. Of course, entertainment elements will also be present if necessary. Thus, Lucy Lens new glasses will be created, which has a number of advantages, as well as a revolutionary product that actually circulated in the market.

Problems and Solutions

LCD Token & Blockchain Utility
LCD will be the original currency of our words, so you can enjoy a seamless and unlimited experience. Furthermore, the only way to free the global developer community from ecosystems is with blockchain. the LUCYD lab block will create driver developers and user engagement with our hardware platforms, by motivating content creation and other community building efforts with lcd tokens.

lucyd token.png

Offering Tokens
LUCYD will offer a total of 100,000,000 regular tokens at 0.00046875ETH per token LCD where 50% of this volume will be released during presale (October 17th-31st) and then sales start from November 1st to November 30th in the same month where token sales will rise to 0.00071825 ETH per LCD. This token will be issued under a highly compatible ERC 20 platform for investors to purchase the concept.


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