Kamis, 28 November 2019

Co-DEX is an exchange created by the community, for the community.

With the birth of bitcoin in 2009, many began to see that the extraordinary blockchain technology might be the thrifty face of the next generation of technology. Since the beginning of Blockchain technology has tried to become mainstream but has been limited by one or two obstacles which include ease of use of the wallet, privacy of communication, trade performance and security. For cryptocurrency to become mainstream and major adoption orders there is a need to increase ease of use, privacy, trade performance, communication. There are many big players in the crypto room who have tried to improve the quality of some of these important keynotes, but because of lack of experience or sometimes the funds have made them less good.

On this occasion I will provide an interesting information, especially in the world of Cryptocurrency. The ICO project this time is related to the world of exchange called Co-DEX is an exchange made by the community, for the community. Before the discussion, you should read reviews that can help obtain information in seeing their vision and mission. Hopefully this time information of course, gives a little insight and interest in you to get involved with the Co-DEX ICO Project.

About Co-DEX

There are huge numbers of cryptocurrency exchange nowadays, both centralized and decentralized. Decentralized exchange system have some distinctive qualities that make it far convenient, transparent, and efficient than their counterparts. There is no requirement of KYC verification and some other inconvenient procedures as in Centralized exchanges. 
Decentralized system of exchanges are completely transparent and confidential. Users don't need any complicated registration procedure which will require their email address, password, and their identities. All they just need to access the platform is their existing Private key or alternatively creating new wallet from the exchange in just few seconds. Deposit, trading, and withdrawal speed is determined by the network speed. 

Sometimes, we all know ethereum network slow users down where there is heavy congestion in the network. Practically, nothing can be done to fast-rack this procedure other than to wait till the network concluded the transaction itself. Users Private key in Decentralized Platform are not saved anywhere,it allows users to take complete control over their assets unlike the centralized system where you will need to deposit your funds first in the centralized account before you could make an order. 

Another shortcoming of Centralized trading platform is the manipulation of trading volume with the use of trading bots. Most people complain decentralized platform doesn't always have volume. Yes, this is right because the trading volume in most decentralized exchanges are very organic, there is nothing like fake trade volume or any sort of trade volume manipulation unlike in the centralized platform.By and large, am just trying to highlight some distinctive features of decentralized Exchanges and why it is far better than the centralized system.

Hasil gambar untuk Co-DEX bounty

Co-DEX іѕ а Decentralized trading platform fоr cryptocurrencies, built оn vanguard security infrastructure аnd uѕіng а revolutionary system. Co-DEX іѕ аn exchange created bу thе community, fоr thе community, thuѕ Co-DEX wіll bе thе fіrѕt exchange thаt wіll apply а NO FEES policy оn transactions, thе users bеіng required tо cover solely thе transaction cost оf thе miners and/or validators thаt register thе action оn thе blockchain. Experience direct peer-to-peer trading wіthоut thе security risk оf trusting а thіrd party, thuѕ hаvіng complete control оf уоur assets аt аnу time.

Unlike some decentralized exchanges who only centered on a single blockchain. Co-DEX has developed an interoperability Blockchain system where different forms of native Blockchain can work together on the platform. Co-DEX was able to achieve this wonderful innovation through the innovative function established by Cosmos Network. The principle of codex Exchange was based on Space Network.All processes in the system have undergone the IBC innovations which are able to transact in the most secure way within the network of the participants by implementing the transparent structure of the source code of the Space Network. 

What makes Co-DEX unique among other Decentralized exchanges is its transparent and secured and Blockchain architecture will not be limited to just single Blockchain network but supports other Blockchain networks which are subjected to cross-blockchian. The architectural design of this platform will simplify trading for the traders and the entire crypto communities.Co-DEX integration of Cosmos Network will enable it becoming one of the high ranked Cryptocurrency exchange as the architectural design simply embrace connection of multiple native cryptocurrencies and users, it is not limited to a single Blockchain Network.

The IBC innovation by Cosmos Network makes it no fees Platform. Users don't have to deposit funds on a particular account before they could execute trades. The system implements Smart contracts which allow trading taking place directly between users. Obviously ,Co-DEX will play a very huge role in Cryptocurrency Ecosystem, simplifying trading system, ensuring transparency and profitability through its no fees trading concepts. 

Features of Co-DEX platform 

  • No Fee Concept: Users are only charged for fees of a single transaction. Users will be provided an option to select their preferred fees in the fee's service structure.Unlike other exchanges that charges on any trades executed on the platform, the reverse is the case in Co-DEX platform. Trader's profitability is one of the priority of the Co-DEX exchange.
  • Multiple Order: Users are offered a multiple order platform which open doors for cost economy and less trading time.With this concept, users are only charged for a single transaction, as mentioned earlier, users will be offered an option of the service fee structures that suits them.The Smart contract system oversees the transaction procedures and ensuring multiple orders are successfully executed.
  • Cross Chain transactions: This has been one of the problems blockchain researchers has been working towards. Co-DEX will enable cross chain transaction which will allow multiple blockhain system to interact on a single platform. The system will benefits the traders and improve the platform liquidity. Implementing the IBC features built on Cosmos Network allows Co-DEX to achieve this inter-operability within the Blockchain Network.Co-DEX also take the security as the utmost priority in their platform which makes transactions and users assets more secured than any other platform.

Our Mission is to allow a broad base of community members to participate in the IDO planned on our Dex. Co-DEX cannot guarantee that all prospective interested parties will be able to obtain their desired allocations during the Private and IDO phases, where the total maximum cap will be the equivalent of approximately $5 million in ETH/BTC/ATOM. The amount of tokens available during the Token Contribution will be 100,000,000 COD1.

Token Details

  • Token Name:COD1
  • Hard Cap:equivalent of 5,000,000 USD in ETH/BTC/ATOM
  • Token Value:1 COD1 = 0,05 USD
  • Currency Accepted:ETH, BTC, ATOM
  • Min Contribution:0.1 ETH
  • Private Contributions:TBA
  • IDO Starts:Q4 2019
  • Ends:After 30 Days or Hard Cap reached

Co-DEX Token Metrics
  • 40% Token Contribution
  • 25% Team & Advisors
  • 10% Marketing
  • 10% AirDrop & Bounty
  • 15% Co-DEX Reserve

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Our Advisors


We at Co-DEX regard the entire crypto market spectrum as an expression of the needs, worries and desires of each individual who together embraces the notion of community. From this Co-DEX emerged, and through it, Co-DEX will develop into a mirror of all ideas proposed by the community and its members.

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Senin, 11 November 2019

SimpleSwap.adalah layanan pertukaran cepat dan aman.

Image result for simpleswap bounty

Sejak kemunculan teknologi blockchain pada 2008 ketika Satoshi Nakamoto memperkenalkan bitcoin, telah ada upaya keras untuk menerapkan blockchain pada beberapa aspek proses bisnis global, teknologi Blockchain telah digambarkan memiliki potensi untuk mengganggu banyak industri dengan biaya rendah. transaksi, kekekalan, dan keamanan yang ditingkatkan. Pada tahun-tahun berikutnya, banyak implementasi blockchain lainnya telah dikembangkan dengan masing-masing memperlihatkan fitur unik yang disesuaikan dengan kasus penggunaan tertentu.

Blockchain telah memungkinkan untuk mengeluarkan hampir semua aset melalui kerangka kerja buku besar yang didistribusikan. Dengan bantuan token cryptocurrency, aset ini dapat diberikan nilai ekonomi untuk memulai dan memvalidasi beberapa proses transaksional. Beberapa protokol on-chain telah dikembangkan oleh sejumlah startup dan perusahaan yang didirikan untuk menciptakan solusi berbasis blockchain.

Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan memberikan sebuah informasi yang menarik khususnya di dunia Cryptocurrency. Proyek ICO kali ini berkaitan dengan dunia Pertukaran yang bernama SimpleSwap adalah layanan pertukaran cepat dan aman. Sebelum pembahasan ada baiknya Anda membaca ulasan yang dapat membantu memperoleh informasi dalam melihat visi misi mereka. Semoga informasi kali ini , tentunya sedikit memberikan wawasan dan ketertarikan anda untuk terlibat dengan Proyek ICO SimpleSwap.

Tentang SimpleSwap

SimpleSwap telah mengembangkan sistem generasi baru yang memungkinkan Anda untuk mengikuti langkah-langkah yang sangat sederhana dan menukar subcoins sebanyak yang Anda inginkan, tanpa kekurangan likuiditas. Ketika Anda ingin membeli token atau menjualnya, Anda dapat melakukan transaksi melalui SimpleSwap tanpa pengetahuan teknis.

Pada bulan Desember tim SimpleSwap merilis aliran tarif tetap. Mulai sekarang, pelanggan memiliki kesempatan untuk melakukan pertukaran suku bunga tetap di SimpleSwap. Selain itu, layanan apa pun dapat mengintegrasikan API SimpleSwap untuk menukar koin dengan tarif tetap. Keuntungan dari aliran nilai tetap adalah bahwa sebelum proses pertukaran, pelanggan melihat jumlah kripto yang akan mereka terima setelah swap.

Pelanggan tidak perlu khawatir tentang memilih nilai tukar yang paling menguntungkan: platform bekerja dengan 15+ platform perdagangan dan mitra pertukaran, termasuk OKEx, Bittrex, dan Binance, untuk menjamin harga terbaik bagi pelanggan.

Bersamaan dengan fixed rate API, API klasik dengan floating rate juga dapat dengan mudah diintegrasikan ke dalam dompet dan layanan yang berbeda. Untuk memberi manfaat lebih bagi pelanggan, SimpleSwap menawarkan program afiliasi. Setiap pelanggan atau layanan yang memilih untuk mendaftar pada platform pertukaran menerima tautan afiliasi yang unik. Setiap kali seseorang menggunakan tautan ini, pelanggan atau layanan menerima hingga 90% dari keuntungan pertukaran. Sistem ini transparan, menguntungkan, dan mudah digunakan. 

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SimpleSwap adalah platform yang user-friendly dan mudah digunakan untuk pertukaran cryptocurrency. Ini berfungsi tanpa registrasi atau batasan. Pelanggan tidak perlu memiliki akun untuk melakukan operasi pertukaran. Sistem SimpleSwap terintegrasi ke dalam platform perdagangan cryptocurrency terbesar. Layanan ini mampu menemukan nilai tukar yang paling menguntungkan bagi pelanggan dalam waktu yang sangat singkat. Selain itu, tidak ada penyimpanan deposit, hanya pertukaran koin instan.

SimpleSwap bertujuan untuk membangun ekosistem yang berkontribusi dalam menyediakan layanan dan peluang besar bagi pengguna dan manajemen modal di bidang ekosistem blockchain berdasarkan ide-ide efisien dan transaksi blockchain terintegrasi secara global dengan sistem cerdas Proyeksikan menjadi mudah.

Manfaat lain dalam ekosistem SimpleSwap Ini adalah nilai tukar token SWAP Tidak berbahaya dan memiliki nilai investasi yang dapat bersaing dengan nilai fluktuasi token lainnya, beberapa di antaranya di seluruh dunia Didorong oleh adanya gagasan dan gagasan yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat di ekonomi global.

Gambar responsif

  1. Daftar besar koin. SimpleSwap akan menyediakan lebih dari 300 koin.
  2. Dukungan teknis 24 jam sehari. Dukungan teknis mencakup profesional berpengalaman yang akan segera menyelesaikan masalah Anda.
  3. Keandalan penukar. SimpleSwap tidak memiliki masalah.
  4. Antarmuka yang sederhana dan nyaman. Proses pertukaran koin akan sangat sederhana, sehingga setiap pengguna dapat bertukar dengan segera.

Bagaimana cara melakukan pertukaran?

Untuk melakukan pertukaran, Anda harus pergi ke situs penukar SimpleSwap. Seperti disebutkan di atas, pendaftaran tidak diperlukan, sehingga Anda dapat segera melanjutkan operasi.

Pilihan pasangan mata uang yang menunjukkan jumlah koin yang diberikan. Secara otomatis, sesuai dengan kursus, jumlah koin kedua akan dihitung.

Isi kolom di mana Anda ingin menentukan dompet untuk pertukaran.

Tekan tombol bagikan dan tunggu. Rata-rata, penantian berlangsung 5-10 menit, tergantung pada beban pada blockchain. Harus diingat bahwa nilai tukar selama transaksi mungkin sedikit berbeda dari kurs yang diperkirakan karena volatilitas mata uang yang tinggi. Dengan demikian, nilai koin pada saat transaksi dapat naik dan turun.

SimpleSwap tidak memiliki batasan jumlah minimum dan maksimum untuk pertukaran. Satu-satunya hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan adalah komisi pada transaksi mata uang. Di situs penukar tertulis bahwa penukar tidak membebankan biaya lain.

Informasi tentang token

SimpleSwap Coin (SWAP) adalah token sistem internal. Setiap klien SimpleSwap dapat menggunakannya. Pemegang SWAP akan memiliki banyak manfaat, seperti pengembalian uang pertukaran, pemungutan suara koin, dan banyak manfaat lainnya. SWAP akan diperdagangkan di bursa tahun ini.

  • Jumlah total token adalah 100.000.000 SWAP.
  • 8.000.000 SWAP akan didistribusikan.

Koin SimpleSwap

  • 4 000 000: Didistribusikan pada saat hadiah
  • 4 000 000: Didistribusikan selama airdrop
  • 2 000 000: Dicadangkan untuk bonus untuk tim (vesting 4 tahun dengan rilis 12,5% setiap 6 bulan)
  • 4 000 000:  Dicadangkan untuk pengembangan (dikunci selama 6 bulan)
  • 2 000 000: Dana cadangan untuk pembayaran risiko
  • 3 000 000: Dicadangkan untuk disetujui
  • 75 000 000: Dicadangkan untuk Investor swasta (akan dirilis 12,5% setiap 6 bulan, jika tidak ada minat investor selama periode itu)
  • 6 000 000: Akan Dibagikan selama 12 bulan ke depan - Hadiah, Hadiah dan Pembuatan Pasar

Peta Jalan

April 2018

  • Meluncurkan
  • Didukung 100 Koin
November 2018
  • API public
  • Pertukaran kurs tetap diperkenalkan
JAN 2018
  • Program Afiliasi Diluncurkan
  • 250+ Koin Didukung
SEP 2019
  • Token SWAP Diluncurkan
OCT 2019
  • Program Peluncuran Loyalitas SimpleSwap
  • Daftar SWAP di Bursa Utama
  • Lebih banyak fitur untuk pemegang SWAP

Tim Kami

Gambar responsif


Gambar responsif

Mitra Kami

Gambar responsif


SimpleSwap adalah platform yang user-friendly dan mudah digunakan untuk pertukaran cryptocurrency. Ini berfungsi tanpa registrasi atau batasan. Pelanggan tidak perlu memiliki akun untuk melakukan operasi pertukaran. Sistem SimpleSwap terintegrasi ke dalam platform perdagangan cryptocurrency terbesar. Layanan ini mampu menemukan nilai tukar yang paling menguntungkan bagi pelanggan dalam waktu yang sangat singkat. Selain itu, tidak ada penyimpanan deposit, hanya pertukaran koin instan.

Image result for simpleswap bounty

Untuk Informasi Lebih Lanjut Tentang SimpleSwap, Silakan Klik Tautan Dibawah Ini:

Penulis: Enno Netral

Profil: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1785586

ETH: 0xC860a2F9510a73038Da3292bb9B28fA7a3F3cbA2

Jumat, 08 November 2019

C Estates is the Philippines’ first smart digital investment platform for real estate.

Hasil gambar untuk c estates bounty

We will provide an article to present the "C Estates" Project to potential platform participants and those who are interested in contributing to its development. The information listed below may not be complete and does not imply any contractual relationship. The main goal is to provide information to everyone, so they can determine whether they are willing to analyze the company with the intention of getting tokens or investing.


Started in late 2017, we had a discussion of combining the previous businesses together which are; online gaming and real estate. The concept is just like online casinos wherein the money doesn't leave the "house". It sparked the question, "what if we treat real estate like online gaming wherein properties doesn't leave the platform and can still be transacted anytime and anywhere?" For over 11 years of doing traditional real estate business, we've been a witness of how tedious real estate processes are in the Philippines. 

From the manual documentation procedures up to the issues with remittances, we've experienced it all. That's why we decided to shift the business from traditional real estate into a property technology platform because we believe that everything is going digital -- and real estate is not an exception. For over a year, we've gathered up reputable team members that helped us develop the product in order for us to achieve our goal -- which is to make real estate easy and accessible for everyone providing fast, low-cost and secure way of doing real estate transactions. 

Starting this journey is very difficult because we are challenging one of the most traditional industry. There's a lot of resistance from real estate stakeholders and from regulators, but difficult doesn't mean impossible. Now, we are about to launch our product, we've got traction from the industry stakeholders and gearing towards becoming the first ever Digital Asset Exchange in the Philippines.

C Estates’ backbone is Capitarise Corporation, a property management consulting company in real estate that established their expertise in pioneering cross-border transactions. They have a wide Japanese clientele and pride themselves to being fast, efficient and professional in bridging foreign businessmen to invest in the Philippines. To date, Capitarise has sold more than 2,500 properties to its exclusive foreign clientele in partnership with Megaworld Corp. and supported by the Philippine Retirement Authority.

For more than 10 years, they have supervised and facilitated numerous local and foreign clients in acquiring real properties and condominium units in the Philippines. Capitarise Corporation developed C Estates, Combining real estate, concept of stock market and technology, to streamline the efficiency of doing real estate transactions real-time.

What is C Estates?

C Estates is the Philippines’ first smart digital investment platform for real estate. Similar to the digital trading of stocks and financial instruments, users may buy and sell verified property completely online, closing deals instantly with lower cost compared to the traditional process. With the use of utility tokens (XCET) to facilitate and validate online transactions in the platform, C Estates gives users the option to trade real estate-backed tokens as fractions of its price, or as a whole. This is made possible through blockchain technology to provide fast, low-cost and secure transactions that will greatly contribute to the liquidity of the Philippine real estate industry.

C Estates aims to offer an online real estate platform to provide the easiest way to transact properties by tokenizing it with the use of blockchain technology.

Hasil gambar untuk c estates bounty

Business model

The revenue for C Estates will be coming from different channels:
  • Recurring fees from Asset/Property Management and Advertisement
  • Transaction fees for using the platform both for buying and selling
  • Service revenue for one time fees such as due diligence and processing fee
  • Project based revenue from the margin of acquire-renovate-sell model of below market value and foreclosed properties

Key Features:
  • Leveraging Industry Experience and Initiative for Compliance
  • Buy fractional shares or ownership of Philippine properties
  • Earn rental income based on the proportionate share of the property token
  • Sell the tokens later at a higher price when property appreciates in value
  • Choose a variety of property tokens (sale, rent, crowdfunding, timesharing or landbanking)
  • Properties are fully verified with complete information and appraisal
  • Team comprised of leaders in the real estate industry
  • Founded by Teruo Sumida of Capitarise (one of the biggest investor-focused property management firms in the country), known for selling over 2,500 Philippine properties to Japanese investors
  • Partnerships with Philippine real estate key players and influencers
  • Security and compliance assured through legal representation working with related Philippine government agencies (SEC, BIR, Registry of Deeds, etc.), and through Securitize for international compliance
  • Fiat onramps and asset-backed tokens


By combining blockchain, big data and analytics and bridging the gap between traditional real estate and cryptocurrency, C Estates provides a secure, low-cost and more efficient way of doing real estate transaction. It integrates data verification that is secured via blockchain with complete audit trail that will ensure authenticity and accuracy of transactions, digital wallets that secures payment both fiat and crypto, access to multiple real-estate backed tokens for investment, data driven insight for investments decision making, secure personal data vault and local and international compliance.

The product is about to be launch in the Philippines initially and will eventually become available in the neighboring Southeast Asian countries.

C Estates’ uses the New Economy Movement (NEM) blockchain technology to fulfill its mission and vision in providing a better way of doing Real Estate transactions and become an industry standard of the future.


C Estates’ uses the process of tokenization, a series of computational logic that has long been used by financial institutions on monetary assets. The same logic with added advanced method is applied by C Estates in tokenizing properties.

Data Security is our absolute priority which is why you have the assurance that all the sensitive information we hold are safe, securely stored and protected on our platform. This way, the sharing, negotiating and data ownership of a common property can be quick and efficiently transferred, automatically computed and generates the value of the assets being transacted avoiding human errors on public records.


Phase 1
For the first phase of the C Estates Project, the platform will concentrate on listing properties from the property brokers so that the platform will have a high number of initial DPA Tokens.
  • Develop Tech
  • On board Property Brokers
  • On board Property Managers

Phase 2
The second phase of the project will see the addition of properties listed by individual owners.
  • Improve Platform
  • On board Secondary Market

Phase 3
The third phase will see the introduction of Mortgage-backed tokens. These are fixed income investments that will be loaned out to individuals looking for financing the acquisition of their home.
  • Improve Platform
  • On board Secondary Market

Phase 4
Roll Out cryptocurrency Market Place Acquire Asset Launch C Estates ReitX (REIT Exchange).

Our Team



C Estates aims to offer an online real estate platform to provide the easiest way to transact properties by tokenizing it with the use of blockchain technology.

For More Information About Estates, Please Click The Link Below:

Author: Enno Netral

ETH: 0xC860a2F9510a73038Da3292bb9B28fA7a3F3cbA2

Kamis, 07 November 2019

ESAX Technologies: Powerful Centralized Crypto Trading Platform.

Hasil gambar untuk esax bounty

Cryptocurrency like Bitcoin or Altcoin seems good to be a worldwide exchange tool. Yes, forget about certain real currencies which are only available in certain countries. Along with the development of internet technology, any transaction can be done globally by using it. Interestingly, not only is it more flexible to shop or buy things, it seems you have to use Cryptocurrency in a smarter way. One way is to use it as an object of trade and investment. So, how is it?

Of course, first of all, you should join the Cryptocurrency website platform which allows you to carry out funding activities such as trading and investment. It is very difficult especially crimes such as fraud which are quite common nowadays. In the meantime, there are many sites out there that offer such facilities without you possibly knowing whether they are valid or not. for this, it is recommended that you use ESAX Technologies: Powerful Centralized Crypto Trading Platform. This is a type of Cryptocurrency platform with simple requirements, easy access, and many great features. This is even more interesting because consultations and discussions are available here to support you becoming more successful later.


ESAX Technologies, since 1999, is a company providing services on information security and software. Since 2018, we are been working on blockchain technologies. So far, we are been working on information security, software and payment systems in the textile and chemical sectors. We have created an ESAX token for intercompany payments and put into use as of this year.

For ESAX, block play is an opportunity. Blockchain is unique to the center, high security, privacy protection features, and P2P technology together, you can create a new world, the benefits that can be brought by the blockchain, such as the absence of central organizational control, high security anonymity, full control of users and so on.

What is ESAX?

ESAX is an online payment gateway that makes payments easier. ESAX offers global commerce tools that can be used to accept payments and build businesses. It allows enterprises to develop their own experiences and expand their businesses around the world.

This payment service enables you to provide efficient support makes payment and money transfer procedures efficient and simple day-to-day transactions and cash management. If you find yourself in a situation where time is of the essence, you need to have a suitable facility that would enable you to make a quick transaction with anyone from wherever you are. It is precisely for these situations in life that we bring to you ESAX.

Our Services
  • TRANSPARENCY: We believe that the trust of users is one of the most important components on which the activities of the developer company are based. But trust can not be earned simply by saying “We can be trusted!”. That is why we want the activity of our team to be as transparent as possible. We will allow any user to follow the progress of the development, observe the interactions within the team through social networks and blogs.
  • PROFESSIONALISMWe believe that the high goals we set for ourselves are largely achieved due to the professionalism of our employees, the effectiveness of the decisions made, competent leadership and competently placed priorities. We develop each side of our company to achieve the most expert and professional development team.
  • MUTUAL RESPECT: First of all, we develop our platform for people whose interests we share and want to help them solve their problems. Therefore, we consider respect and mutual respect as one of the important aspects of our activity. We respect not only our customers and users, but also employees, because they are the most valuable link in our company.

ESAX technologies, for sectoral companies, will offer payment system and central exchange platform services with the application of credit.

Our project consists of three parts.
  1. ESAXC PLATFORM: ESAXC Platform, developed by ESAX Technologies, blockchain based intercompany payment system and credit platform. ESAXC is a fixed-price, independent and fully secure crypto money. ESAXC will only be used in the business field. shall not be offered to the public.
  2. ESAX EXCHANGE: ESAX will have its own exchange platform. It's a real-time automatic trading platform providing customers with crypto-to-crypto trading pairs for coins and utility tokens only. We commit to innovate and improve these exclusive advantages technologies to bring our customer the best trading experience ever.
  3. ESAX TOKEN: ESAX Token is the ERC20 based token of the platform. ESAX Token is designed for easytrading on exchange lists for ESAXC coins. ESAX Token, will be processed in our own platform and listed secondary stock exchange process.




Token Details
  • Name: ESAX
  • Project Website: https://esax.tech/
  • Token Sale Start Time: 04.11.2019, 08:00 (UTC+0)
  • Token Sale End Time:11.11.2019, 08:00 (UTC+0)
  • Token Supply For IEO: 30 000 000
  • Token Price for IEO in USD: 0.02 USD
  • Minimum Purchase Amount: 500
  • Token Protocol: ERC20
  • Token distribution: Blockchain
  • Platform: Ethereum
  • Token Standard: ERC-20
  • Total Tokens Supply:
  • Token for sale: .500.000.000
  • Token Symbol: ESAX Desimal: 18

Minimum buy amount in contribution currencies

  • BTC - 0.0012
  • ETH - 0.05
  • USD - 10
  • USDT - 10

Hasil gambar untuk esax bounty





ESAX Technologies, since 1999, is a company providing services on information security and software. Since 2018, we are been working on blockchain technologies. So far, we are been working on information security, software and payment systems in the textile and chemical sectors. We have created an ESAX token for intercompany payments and put into use as of this year.

Hasil gambar untuk esax bounty

Selasa, 05 November 2019

QUUBE Exchange — First Quantum Resistant Exchange and Blockchain.

#QUUBE #Social #trading #blockchain #crypto #cryptotrading

Since the advent of blockchain technology in 2008 when Satoshi Nakamoto introduced bitcoin, there have been hard efforts to implement the blockchain in several aspects of global business processes, Blockchain technology has been described as having the potential to disrupt many industries at low cost. transactions, eternity, and enhanced security. In the following years, many other blockchain implementations have been developed with each showing unique features tailored to specific use cases.

Blockchain has made it possible to spend almost all assets through a distributed ledger framework. With the help of cryptocurrency tokens, these assets can be given economic value to start and validate some transactional processes. Several on-chain protocols have been developed by a number of startups and companies that were established to create blockchain-based solutions.

On this occasion I will provide an interesting information, especially in the world of Cryptocurrency. This ICO project is related to the world of Exchange called QUUBE EXCHANGE. Before the discussion, you should read reviews that can help obtain information in seeing their vision and mission. Hopefully this information, of course, gives you a little insight and interest to get involved with the ICO QUUBE EXCHANGE project.


The world that we are currently living in is undergoing rapid changes, and new technologies which were just fantasies have made their way into our lives. The era of computers started less than eighty years ago, and currently, almost every other family out there has multiple devices with processors that are much faster than the first multi-stage computing machines. These devices are linked creating global and local networks and showcasing unbelievable abilities of data collection and processing, reaching earlier inaccessible comfort levels for users.

Yuri Manin in 1980, suggested the idea of quantum computers and the first model had been worked out by Richard Feynman in 1981.By the beginning of the 21st century, the software industry was ready for quantum computer implementation. Programming languages for the first programs were developed, portraying unbelievable abilities of quantum computers. At the beginning of 2001, the quantum computer performed the Shor’s a logarithm, and this announced the quantum era.

QUUBE Exchange — First Quantum Resistant Exchange and Blockchain. The ecosystem has a strategic focus on initial token offerings in security and utility formats – STO Launchpad with the secondary exchange market with a pro level trading platform. A powerful venture investment model brings a new level of safety, transparency and velocity to the VC Funds and Family offices, unprecedented investment exposure given to the startups. Along with security, venture market becomes much more liquid for the LBO model of investments due to the secondary STO marketplace.

Image result for quube exchange ico

How quantum computers affect the cryptocurrency market and blockchain industry.

  1. A single quantum computer of potentially huge capacity, connected to the blockchain can be able to carry out 51% attack successfully. The computer’s operator takes control of the blockchain and may prevent new transactions from attaining confirmation inside a particular blockchain.
  2. Conventional encryption a logarithm is vulnerable to quantum computing. As a result, encryption methods authorized by states and used in cryptocurrency, crypto wallets, and cryptocurrency exchanges algorithms are prone to be cracked by quantum computers. Assets from these wallets could be transferred to whichever destination the quantum computer operator wishes.

The first quantum computer will connect to a cryptocurrency exchange in the near future, and the crypto world needs to be protected from the threats that I have mentioned above. Worry not though crypto enthusiasts, I present to you, QUUBE Exchange.

This my friends is a project whose main objective is to create a new quantum-resistant ecosystem that is focused on the security token market, high speed, super protected and safe trading space, and communication channels as well.

The team’s response to the 51% attack threat is the launching of quantum blockchain which is kept on quantum computers thus almost eliminating the risk of 51% attack. In regards to the second threat of encryption algorithms attacks, the quantum blockchain is equipped with methods which are stable to quantum computing and even post-quantum encryption methods.

The QUUBE Exchange team has worked out software for cryptocurrencies exchanges and crypto wallets which operates with the blockchain recording trading logs and balances. You might ask yourself why invest in QUUBE Exchange, well, the highly professional team has succeeded to implement the first quantum-safe ecosystem and security token launchpad with the exchange platform enabling STO/ICO projects to fundraise expeditiously amongst accredited and non-accredited investors.

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QUUBE product

The main project products are the following:

  • Quantum resistant QRP blockchain dedicated to the STO market. Quantum QUUBE cryptocurrency exchange
  • Launchpad STO / IEO
  • Cryptocurrency exchange advantage factors:
  • Transaction fees
  • QRP STO / IEO service token ordering
  • Launchpad Success Costs
  • Geographical division of crypto wallet suppliers and users
  • Around 81% of crypto wallets are located in Europe and North America, but the indicated area is only 61% of users.

The geographical division of crypto wallet suppliers
  • 27%: other
  • 34%: US
  • 15%: English
  • 8%: Germany
  • 8%: Switzerland
  • 8%: Chinese

Geographical division of crypto wallet users
  • 30%: North America
  • 31%: Europe
  • 20%: Asia-Pacific
  • 13%: Latin America
  • 4%: Africa & Middle East

61% of wallet users are in North America and Europe while only 20% of users represent the Asia-Pacific region. The next region according to the number of crypto wallet users is Latin America followed by Africa and the Middle East. The relatively small percentage of crypto wallet users in some regions can be explained by the fact that in some countries (for example China) owners of crypto assets use an exchange account for the storage of crypto currencies.

Attitude of wallets suppliers towards the current state regulation
  • 41%: No regulation & no needed
  • 29%: Adequate
  • 18%: Excessive & too strict
  • 12%: No regulation but needed
  • Summary of QRP tokens

QRP tokens are selected for the initial bid. The token is planned to be launched on the ERC-20 standard using Ethereum blockchain. The QRP token has a utility token function that is used for stake lotteries that are provided for STO / IEO services. There will be no other way besides the QRP token

  • Token Price: $ USD 0.5
  • There is a plan to launch a QRP token: s250 million
  • fuel for STO / IEO: Utility type
  • There is no locking period
  • For sale on the QRP platform: 175’000’000
  • Date: September 2019


ICO is expected to attract investor funds to launch the STO / IEO campaign. The stored token is locked during the assessment and promotion period before the distribution date. Staked is required for all tokens, including supported assets or non-assets. The minimum bet is 1500 USD which is 0.3% of the lowest capital equivalent to 500 000 USD that is allowed to be offered.
  • 70%: STO / ICO-IEO Platform Services
  • 20%: Marketing
  • 10%: Team

Expected allocation of funds during ICO is illustrated by the following scheme:
  • 40%: Blockchain R&D & Development Lab
  • 30%: Exchange software
  • 20%: hosting the Quantum key distribution
  • 5%: Marketing
  • 5%: Margin Trading Terminal

Hasil gambar untuk quube exchange ico

Hasil gambar untuk quube exchange ico

  • 2014: Pengembangan terminal perdagangan eksklusif
  • 2015: Pengembangan Sistem Perdagangan C-Sharp dan Mesin Pencocokan
  • 2016: Pengembangan terminal Crypto Exchange
  • 2017: Platform Perdagangan PRO
  • 2018 T: Teknologi Quantum - Implementasi Sistem QKD
  • 2018 Q2: Yayasan HUBUNGAN QUUBE
  • 2019 Q2: Presentasi Pertukaran Quantum & Roadshow
  • 2019 Q3: Pengembangan peluncuran ERC20 blockchain yang tahan-kuantitatif
  • 2019 Q2–3: Launchpad QUUBE Exchange STO
  • 2019 Q4: Layanan QUUBE Exchange STO / IEO Mulai
  • 2020 Q2: Presentasi Protokol Blockchain Tahan Quantum, Swap Token
  • 2020 Q3: QUUBE PRO STO Perdagangan & Terminal AI






In the era of rapid technological progress, practical benefits are only important. The idea behind an ambitious project for the post-quantum era was born after realizing the potential threats and impacts of the power of quantum computing, which represented a real threat to the global world of blockchain technology. QUUBE Exchange was created from the beginning with a vision against the dangers posed to DLT in the future.

Hasil gambar untuk quube exchange ico